About Print Captain Ltd

We help your business grow using a combination of prints, design and digital marketing products

Printcaptain is an online print and design company that is passionate about great design plus quality print and the difference it can make to our customers across Africa.

Our utmost goal is to help your business grow using a combination of prints, design and digital marketing products.

We make the same great design and quality printing we offer to blue chip companies available to SME’s and MSME’s by combining our expertise with the accessibility and reach of the web. Now, customers have access to printed marketing materials without the visit of a print vendor or them visiting a printing press, all that is needed is an internet connected device at the comfort of your home or office.

We are empowering millions of business owners to market themselves professionally. Our wide range of quality products and affordable prices along with design tools is suited to every skill level and need, meaning everyone can create the customized materials they need to get their message across.

Navigate to our homepage, select a product, customize it and order to enjoy this amazing experience.